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St. Felix

Today we transition from “mental illness” to what can be described as “institutional illness” and clear our psychiatrist’s couch to make room for the extraordinary Jubilee Holy Year of Fake “Mercy”.

Why is this Holy Year of Fake “Mercy” a Jubilee year, you may ask dear reader?

Well, the answer is that this variety of “Mercy” that is being celebrated was only discovered encountered by the Catholic Church 50 short years ago. And to mark this Great discovery Encounter with “Mercy”, Francis has announced that next year, to be more exact, from Dec. 8, 2015 (Feast of the Immaculate Conception) to Nov. 20, 2016 (Feast of Saint Felix of Valois), the Universal Church will be celebrating 50 years of this encounter.

More on St. Felix of Valois later.

To help explain what this all means, we turn to the Harveting the Fruit blog, (see here) where the proprietor, Louie Verrecchio is known as a Catholic with his hand on the pulse of the Catholic Church, both American and Universal. Here is how he describes the news:

This Holy Year announcement has all the markings of a well-planned strategy designed to fertilize Catholic minds with the manure of modernism, that the seeds of the Franciscan revolution might more readily flourish.

Mr. V., as he is known in his comment box, does get the point across.

However, I must take a small exception to the above. For two obvious reasons.

First of all, manure does in fact “help seeds flourish”. But Mr. V. here is speaking about “Catholic minds fertilized” with the “spirit of Vatican II”, a “spirit” that can be best described as a barren grandmother way past here reproductive age. In fact, there is “so much sterility within our Mother Church: when because of the weight of the hope in the Commandments, that pelagianism that all of us carry within our bones, she becomes sterile. She believes she is capable of giving birth… no, she can’t! (see here and here) In this case, no amount of manure, or hormone treatments for that matter, will help anything flourish in the “fertilized minds” or uteruses for that matter, of the NewChurch.

The next observation is one of style, namely a small faux pas committed by the author. Actually two, and they are quite common. I would just like to point out that Francis does not like the word strategy. He prefers “Lord’s pastoral call” instead. (see here) And since I am on the subject, please stop calling Francis pope. He prefers to be called “the bishop of Rome”. Two short years, and we are already forgetting these courtesies. Good upbringing, or as the Germans would call it “good breeding” is a Catholic hallmark. But I digress…

Back to the story.

Aside from the minor slip-ups, Mr. V makes the truly brilliant observation in the last few paragraphs. I will reproduce it in full, since it is so good and add my emphasis:

Imagine, in the space of just this one sermon, not only has Pope Francis invoked the very King whose decrees he would undermine, he even went so far as to entrust the revolution to the care of the Queen Mother!

How much longer can this possibly go on?

And we know that to them that love God all things work together unto good: to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints. (Romans 8:28)

We may well be living in the lead-up to a conclave that will respond to these terrible offenses against Our Lord by electing the antithesis of Pope Francis; a pope who will repeat after the Psalmist, “Oh, how I love thy law!”

This next pope may even be the very Holy Father who will at long last carry out Our Lady of Fatima’s simple request; that the desire of her Son might be realized as devotion to the Immaculate Heart is placed beside devotion to His Sacred Heart.

With this in mind I say:

Bring. It. On.

I wholeheartedly agree.

And I will add just one personal observation which is, the cardinals and bishops who sit there at the Domus Sanctae Marthae day in and day out and listen to this manure “teaching”, what is their religious affiliation again?

But let’s move on.

A second post appeared regarding the same subject, i.e. the Holy Year of Fake “Mercy” over at the From Rome blog. (see here) The beauty of this post is that it not only mirrors Louie Verrecchio’s post as to the symptoms of the NewChurch “infertility”, but provides a “course of treatment” that would eventually start bearing fruit.

Here is the relevant passage: (emphasis is the author’s)

It is a blasphemy against the Holy Spirit to laud, with a sacred act, that which attacked in every way the blessings which the Church had received by Her own fidelity to the Holy Spirit’s gift of piety to Her through the course of 1933 years…

It is a sacrilege of the very notion for which the Jubilee years were established, to turn a year which should be marked by the quest of the forgiveness of one’s own sins through penance and prayer and alms-giving, into a political event equivalent to patting one’s self on the back for having destroyed everything holy in the Church.

Mercy, as any Christian knows, has nothing to do with ignoring or excusing sin, as Pope Francis has made absolutely clear he’s about. Its about confessing one’s sin, in the humble recognition that God, not man nor the Pope, defines what is right and wrong, and man must accept or be thrust down into the everlasting fires of Hell!

Now that was the diagnosis of the “infertility, and now for the course of treatment:

To call for a YEAR FOR TRUE CONVERSION (with the official Acronym: Y4Tc).

To participate meritoriously in this authentic year of grace, a Catholic will pledge himself in thought, word and deed to calling for the repentance of all those addicted to the Second Vatican Council as the new Gospel of the Church.

By reminding them,

1. that it is God, not men, Who is the Author of Creation and of Man, and of all natural institutions which are consequent to these.

2. that is is God, not men, Who is the Author of the Catholic Faith and Founder of the Catholic Religion, such that no man, not even the pope or bishops united with him, has any power to alter or change that which God has established;

3. that is is God, not men, Who is the Author of all authentic spiritual renewal of each and every individual and of the entire Church, and that no man, not even the pope with all the bishops united with him, can set up another path for spiritual renewal, than that which He has always worked.

Now dear reader, the above is what the cardinals and the bishops should be telling Francis to his face… in the spirit of synodality and collegiality, of course.

But back to the post.

Hence, during the “Year of Mercy” decreed by Pope Francis, from December 8, 2015 to November 20, 2015, Catholics adhering to the YEAR OF TRUE CONVERSION will pray and work for the conversion of all who are addicted to the Second Vatican Council by reminding them that the Deposit of Faith is Scripture AND Tradition, as interpreted and taught by the Perennial UNCHANGING Magisterium of the Church, and that it is

1. a MORTAL SIN of IDOLATRY to regard any other authority as the basis of the Catholic Faith.

2. a MORTAL SIN OF SACRILEGE to despise or contemn any ecclesiastical tradition, whether written or not, which the Church has received from Christ, from the Apostles or Prophets, from the Fathers or Doctors of the Church, from the Saints, or from the pre-Vatican II Magisterium or Popes.

3. a MORTAL SIN OF IMPIETY to propose new and novel forms or meanings for any Catholic liturgy, ritual, word, practice, devotion, for the purpose of mixing the spirit of the world, of the flesh, or of the devil, into Catholic life and belief.

The purpose of this Year of True Conversion will be to obtain the explicit and verbal recognition of these truths and the abandonment of that sacrilegious impiety known as the Aggiornamento, which has sought to adapt faith to life, in such wise, as to make of life the rule of faith.

Sounds like a plan.

ON an aside, I wonder if part of the plan should entail getting  “Vatican II”addiction defined as a mental disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM of the American Psychiatric Association? (see here) But I digress…

But regardless of the above, here is what I suggest.

I think it is an excellent plan. In this run-up to the Stealth Sex Synod of 2015 and the adjoining Holy Year of Fake “Mercy”, I suggest that each and every one of us should take the above words to heart and get involved. Each one of you dear readers lives in a parish. And no doubt each one of us will come into contact with this Holy Year of Fake “Mercy” initiative. Here is how this will play out, according to Mr. V.:

No doubt the various national episcopal conferences will soon announce plans relative to the Holy Year of Mercy; with the appointment of ad hoc committees, the assembly of councils of laity, and calls for the input of dioceses and parishes.

And when we see these initiative taking place, we should get involved. Since the hierarchy wants involvement, we should give them involvement. Or¡Hagan lío! as a certain bishop of a large metropolitan city in Italy is quoted as saying. And who should be our patron?

Why yes, Saint Felix of Valois!

Now who was St. Felix? Here is the relevant passage:

Felix was born in 1127. He was surnamed Valois because he was a native of the province of Valois. At an early age he renounced his possessions and retired to a dense forest in the Diocese of Meaux, where he gave himself to prayer and contemplation.

St. John of Matha, a young nobleman, a native of Provence, and doctor of divinity, who was lately ordained priest, having heard of the holy hermit of Cerfroid, sought him out, and put himself under his direction. St. John proposed to him the project of founding an order for the redemption of captives. Felix, though seventy years of age, readily agreed.

And this is how the Order of the Holy Trinity for the Redemption of Captives, or the Trinitarians were founded.

And since the Holy Year of Fake “Mercy” will end on the feast day of St. Felix and the “founding-intention for the Order was the ransom of Christians held captive by non-Christians, a consequence of crusading and pirating along the Mediterranean coast of Europe“, it is a natural fit that St. Felix could serve as the patron for an initiative whose intention is for the freeing of Catholics from the non-Christian neo-modernist “spirit of Vatican II” that has captured the only means of salvation known to man.

And the motto for this initiative should be : “Fake Mercy without Justice”.