I add my voice!

Veri Catholici

Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
June 3, 2016 A. D.


As we approach the date of our Conference, we ask you to continually remind Catholics you know that the errors of Amoris Laetitia are not merely an idle one time problem, but that the document is intended to subvert the Catholic faith in the whole Church.

Now comes the news from Archbishop Chaput of Philadelphia that Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri one of Bergoglio’s close allies wants every Bishops’ conference in the world to report to him as to whether or not and how they are implementing the heretical Amoris Laetitia.

VERI-LOGO-FILES Sigillum associationis

This, our fight, is therefore the fight of the whole Church of all times and all ages against a heretical conspiracy of Bergoglio and those who urged and pushed his election.

We cannot therefore be silent. We must therefore avoid the subtle tactic…

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